23 June 2009

Chris Brown dinyatakan Bersalah telah memukul Rihanna

Wow, the story gets faster on the internet. finally,Chris Brown, pled guilty of beating Rihanna. According to sources in the internet, Chris brown will be sentenced to probation of 5 years and doing social worj for approximately 1400 hours. Its ok Chris, people made mistake, but everybody should still get the consequences

Wow, beritanya semakin cepat menyebar di internet, akhirnya Chris Brown dinyatakan bersalah telah memukul Rihanna. Menurut beberapa sumber di internet, Chris Brown dihukum dengna masa percobaan 5 tahun dan hukuman bekerja sosial selama kurang lebih 1400 jam.
well, akhirnya,chris mengaku bersalah juga. Its ok Chris, people made mistake, but everybody should still get the consequences

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